We can paint all surfaces - weatherboards, plaster, and brick etc.  We can even repaint aluminimum joinery.

 The 'Church' at Ohaupo, lovingly converted to a home.


 This exterior required grinding back to a suitable surface for painting.  Limelock was used to seal the concrete then Resene Lumbersider was used.

The exterior stucco required waterproofing - so Resene X200 was used. 


The complete exterior of this home was stripped using our Systemax system, primed with Resene Quickdry then Resene Hi-glo was used on the weatherboards and Resene Enamacryl on the windows.

   Darreyn Owen, Decorating Professionals Ltd

Tel: (07) 853 2114   Fax: (07) 853 2116

Mobile: 027 482 5252

Email: decpro@xtra.co.nz 

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